Smoky Citrine Self Healed Standing Cluster

Smoky Citrine Self Healed Standing Cluster


Smoky Citrine, self healed cluster. This piece is magic. The “twin” formations can leave you in awe, finding new detail in each point…even a small internal rainbow at just the right angle.

Citrine is a stone that doesn’t take on any outside energies, and is said to never need cleansing. It is a powerful ally in all endeavors and aids in areas of manifestation and abundance. This piece in particular has a mix of citrine and smoky color, which is grounding, supportive and clearing. Even though Citrine truly resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra, I feel so much Heart and strength in this one, too.

Natural Citrine wands are a crystal (and formation) that can be somewhat hard to come by. You may have seen that super-orangey, almost burnt looking crystal cluster, that is actually heated amethyst. All crystals are naturally heated and irradiated by the earth, and can change color because of this…so heated amethyst is just the human-instigated type of citrine. This piece however, is untouched by us until it was hand-mined from its direct source in Inner Mongolia.

Self healed as well, this piece carries with it great capacity for the intention of re-growth, creating our own reality and overcoming the toughest of challenges.

  • 1.33 lb / 21.20 oz

  • 6.5 x 4.5 x 3

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